Wednesday 12 December 2012

Prolog Programmig: basic1

Prolog jargon is a mixture of programming terms, database terms, and logic terms.

The Prolog program is composed of predicates (procedures, record types, relations).

Each is defined by its name and a number called arity. The arity is the fixed number of arguments
(attributes, fields) the predicate has. Two predicates with the same name and different arity are
considered to be different predicates.

code example: ######################code example: ######################

% This is the syntax for comments.
% MORTAL - The first illustrative Prolog program
mortal(X) :- person(X).
write('Known mortals are:'),nl,

code example: ######################code example: ######################

In our sample program we saw three examples of predicates. They are: person/1,
mortal_report/0, and mortal/1.
 Each of these three predicates has a distinctly different flavor.
person/1 :looks like multiple data records with one data field for each.
mortal_report/0:looks like a procedure with no arguments.
mortal/1:a logical assertion or rule that is somewhere in between data and procedure.

In the example program, the predicate person/1 has three clauses. The other predicates have only
one clause.
A clause can be either a fact or a rule. The three clauses of the person/1 predicate are all facts.
The single clauses of mortal_report/0 and mortal/1 are both rules.



The SWI-Prolog Tracer

use tis command to debug(trace) the prolog program:

?- trace, p(X,Y,Z).
after this command, your prolog code will be traced,
when you want to end the trace, just use notrace. then the trace function is turned off.

Compound Queries

Simple goals can be combined to form compound queries. For example, we might want to know if there is anything good to eat in the kitchen. In Prolog we might ask
    ?- location(X, kitchen), edible(X).
Whereas a simple query had a single goal, the compound query has a conjunction of goals. The comma separating the goals is read as "and."
Logically (declaratively) the  example means "Is there an X such that X is located in the kitchen and X is edible?" If the same variable name appears more than once in a query, it must have the same value in all places it appears. The query in the above example will only succeed if there is a single value of X that can satisfy both goals.
This logical query can also be interpreted procedurally, using an understanding of Prolog's execution strategy. The procedural interpretation is: "First find an X located in the kitchen, and then test to see if it is edible. If it is not, go back and find another X in the kitchen and test it. Repeat until successful, or until there are no more Xs in the kitchen."


We said earlier a predicate is defined by clauses, which may be facts or rules. A rule is no more than a stored query. Its syntax is
    head :- body.
a predicate definition (just like a fact)
the neck symbol, sometimes read as "if"
one or more goals (a query)
For example, the compound query that finds out where the good things to eat are can be stored as a rule with the predicate name where_food/2.
    where_food(X,Y) :-  
It states "There is something X to eat in room Y if X is located in Y, and X is edible."

ust as we had multiple facts defining a predicate, we can have multiple rules for a predicate. For example, we might want to have the broccoli included in where_food/2. (Prolog doesn't have an opinion on whether or not broccoli is legitimate food. It just matches patterns.) To do this we add another where_food/2 clause for things that 'taste_yucky.'
    where_food(X,Y) :-
    where_food(X,Y) :-
Now the broccoli shows up when we use the semicolon (;) to ask for everything.
    ?- where_food(X, kitchen).
    X = apple ;
    X = crackers ;
    X = broccoli ;
Until this point, when we have seen Prolog try to satisfy goals by searching the clauses of a predicate, all of the clauses have been facts.

Using Rules

Using rules, we can solve the problem of the one-way doors. We can define a new two-way predicate with two clauses, called connect/2.
    connect(X,Y) :- door(X,Y).
    connect(X,Y) :- door(Y,X).
It says "Room X is connected to a room Y if there is a door from X to Y, or if there is a door from Y to X." Note the implied 'or' between clauses. Now connect/2 behaves the way we would like.

list_connections(Place) :-
  connect(Place, X),

We now have an understanding of the fundamentals of Prolog, and it is worth summarizing what we have learned so far. We have seen the following about rules in Prolog.
  • A Prolog program is a logicbase of interrelated facts and rules.
  • The rules communicate with each other through unification, Prolog's built-in pattern matcher.
  • The rules communicate with the user through built-in predicates such as write/1.
  • The rules can be queried (called) individually from the listener.
We have seen the following about Prolog's control flow.
  • The execution behavior of the rules is controlled by Prolog's built-in backtracking search mechanism.
  • We can force backtracking with the built-in predicate fail.
  • We can force success of a predicate by adding a final clause with dummy variables as arguments and no body.
We now understand the following aspects of Prolog programming.
  • Facts in the logicbase (locations, doors, etc.) replace conventional data definition.
  • The backtracking search (list_things/1) replaces the coding of many looping constructs.
  • Passing of control through pattern matching (connect/2) replaces conditional test and branch structures.
  • The rules can be tested individually, encouraging modular program development.
  • Rules that call rules encourage the programming practices of procedure abstraction and data abstraction. (For example, look/0 doesn't know how list_things/1 works, or how the location data is stored.)
They can be used in rules as well. Here are two example predicates. One converts centigrade temperatures to Fahrenheit, the other checks if a temperature is below freezing.
    c_to_f(C,F) :-
      F is C * 9 / 5 + 32.
    freezing(F) :-
      F =< 32.
Here are some examples of their use.
    ?- c_to_f(100,X).
    X = 212
    ?- freezing(15).
    ?- freezing(45).

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Big Data Goes to School

Big Data Goes to School

Online education is certainly not new. But what about classes with tens of thousands of students, participating from locations all over the world?

In their article about analytics in learning and education, researchers George Siemens and Phil Long offer this assessment: “Undoubtedly, analytics and big data have a significant role to play in the future of higher education. The growing role of analysis techniques and technologies in government and business sectors affirms this trend. In education the value of analytics and big data can be found in their role in guiding reform activities in higher education, and how they can assist educators in improving teaching and learning.”

Thursday 29 November 2012



Wednesday 28 November 2012

EPSRC: How to prepare a proposal

      How to prepare a proposal

To apply for funding you need to fill in an application form and prepare some accompanying documentation.

Case for support:

Other attachments:

There is some extra guidance for projects made up of multiple proposals.
Some calls for proposals may have specific requirements - these will be described in the call.


Font size 11 is the minimum font that is acceptable, and the minimum margin in all directions is 2cm. For accessibility purposes, a sans-serif font style such as Arial or Helvetica should be used as these are more easily readable to those with visual impairment. For the same reason, type should be justified only on the left hand side. If your case for support exceeds the page limit, or doesn't adhere to the specified format, your proposal will not be considered. More specific instructions for the format of the case for support may be given in certain funding opportunities and calls for proposals.

Information in the public domain

Please note that if successful, some of the information you submit on the grant application form will be published through Grants on the Web (GoW). Before writing your proposal, we advise you take a look at some example grant records on these webpages so you can see what information would be made available in the public domain. Unfunded applications will not have this information published.

Applicant Guidance on constructing your proposal

Previous Research Track Record

This section (maximum two sides of A4) gives you the opportunity to demonstrate that the team involved in the proposed project has the appropriate mix of skills, expertise and experience to carry out the research. This is particularly important for multi-disciplinary proposals. You should include:
  • a summary of the results and conclusions of the applicants’ recent work in the technological/scientific area which is covered by the research proposal. Include reference to both EPSRC funded work and non-EPSRC funded work.
  • the specific expertise available for the research at the host organisation and that of any associated organisations and beneficiaries.
  • details of relevant past collaborative work with industry and/or with other beneficiaries.
  • details of where the applicants’ previous work has contributed to the UK's competitiveness or to improving the quality of life.

Description of Proposed Research and its Context

This section (maximum six sides of A4) should include:


  • Introduce the topic of research and explain its academic and industrial context.
  • Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of past and current work in the subject area in the UK and abroad.

National Importance

  • Describe the extent to which, over the long term, for example 10-50 years, the research proposed:
    • contributes to, or helps maintain the health of other research disciplines, contributes to addressing key UK societal challenges, contributes to current or future UK economic success and/or enables future development of key emerging industry(s)
    • meets national strategic needs by establishing or maintaining a unique world leading research activity (including areas of niche capability)
    • fits with and complements other UK research already funded in the area  or related areas, including the relationship to the EPSRC portfolio and our stated strategy set out in “Our Portfolio.”
The extent to which applicants are able to address each bullet point will depend on the nature of the research proposed.  Applicants should indicate how their research relates to EPSRC’s research areas and strategies (many projects will be relevant to more than 1 EPSRC research area) and complements EPSRC's current portfolio.  Information on the portfolio is available through the EPSRC's Grants on the Web (GoW).
The definition of National Importance and further details can be found at preparing new proposals to include National Importance.

Academic Impact

Describe how the research will benefit other researchers in the field and in related disciplines, both within the UK and elsewhere. What will be done to ensure that they can benefit?
  • Explain any collaboration with other researchers and their role in the project. For each Visiting Researcher, set out why they are the most appropriate person, and what they will contribute to the project.

Research Hypothesis and Objectives

  • Set out the research idea or hypothesis.
  • Explain why the proposed project is of sufficient timeliness and novelty to warrant consideration for funding.
  • Identify the overall aims of the project and the individual measurable objectives against which you would wish the outcome of the work to be assessed.

Programme and Methodology

  • Detail the methodology to be used in pursuit of the research and justify this choice.
  • Describe the programme of work, indicating the research to be undertaken and the milestones that can be used to measure its progress. The detail should be sufficient to indicate the programme of work for each member of the research team. Explain how the project will be managed.
Note: Lists of references and illustrations should be included in the six page limit and should not be submitted as additional attachments or as an annex.

Writing a good case for support

  • The case for support is your opportunity to convince your peers of  why your proposed research should be funded.
  • A good case is clear, concise and not cluttered with technical jargon. 
  • To ensure effective provision of all required information, while avoiding undue repetition within the limited space available, we recommend the following approach:
    • Impact Summary: Use this section of the Je-S application form to identify who the potential economic and societal beneficiaries might be and how they may benefit should the research objectives be fully achieved.
    • Academic Beneficiaries: Use this section of the Je-S application form to summarise how the research might benefit other researchers in the field, who might benefit in other disciplines and what will be done to ensure they benefit
    • Pathways to Impact: Use this annex to the proposal to describe activities that can be undertaken during the project to accelerate the route to the identified benefits being realised; shortening the time between discovery and use of knowledge. Also identify the additional resources needed to undertake these activities.
    • Case for Support: Include a National Importance section within this document to justify why this proposal warrants support by the UK taxpayer. Describe how the potential benefits align with national priorities, how the research relates to EPSRC’s research areas and strategies, and how it complements other research activity in the field. It is anticipated that this section should not require more than one or two paragraphs for most proposals.
  • What is exciting about the research? Try to convey this to your audience, in particular the reviewers. You need to convince these experts in your own research field about the value of your project.
  • Provide a convincing case for the originality of your proposal and describe your objectives clearly and succinctly. Proposals are not rejected just because others are doing similar work. But if you don't describe the novelty of your approach and the likelihood of success when compared with others, the value of your proposal may be questioned.
  • It's best not to leave it to EPSRC or your peers to ask the questions. Show that you have thought the proposal through and explain how it will succeed. Potential applications might be obvious to you but tell us what they are so we are left in no doubt.

Pathways to Impact (maximum two sides of A4)

In the Impact Summary, you will have described who potential beneficiaries might be, and how the research might impact them. This document is your opportunity to describe what you will actually do to facilitate this. Ideally the Pathways to Impact attachment is specific to users and beneficiaries of the research outside the academic research community, but plans for academic impact may be included where this forms part of the critical pathway towards economic and societal impact.
Detailed guidance on Pathways to Impact is available. In summary, the document should describe the kinds of impact envisaged, how the proposed research project will be managed to engage users and beneficiaries and increase the likelihood of impacts, including (wherever appropriate):
  • Methods for communications and engagement
  • Collaboration and exploitation in the most effective and appropriate manner
  • The project team’s track record in this area
  • The resources required for these activities. Please ensure these are also captured in the financial summary and the Justification of Resources.

Work Plan

The programme of work for the project should be illustrated with a simple diagrammatic work plan, for example, a PERT or Gantt chart.

Justification of Resources

In this document (up to two sides of A4) you should explain why the resources you've requested are required to undertake your research project, including implementing the impact plan. This is to help reviewers to make an informed judgement about whether the resources requested are appropriate for the research proposed.
So that you don't miss anything out, we recommend that you follow the 'cost to the proposal' headings used in the application form. For more information about what to do see how to write a justification of resources.

Curriculum Vitaes

CVs should be submitted as a separate attachment for named research staff or visiting researchers. For visiting researchers include details of previous visits or collaborations with overseas researchers. CVs must not exceed 2 sides of A4 each. You do not need to submit CVs for the principal investigator or any co-investigators.

Statements of Support

Statements of support from all project partners should be included as an attachment. There is no page limit. As part of the assessment of impact, we ask reviewers to comment on whether a collaboration is appropriate. A good statement of support can help by showing that the collaboration is genuine, and by explaining why the project partner supports the project and what they will get out of it.
Statements should be relevant to the project, written by project partners when the proposal is being prepared and dated within six months of the proposal submission date. Standard letters declaring general support are often criticised by reviewers. For more information, see guidance on what makes a good statement of support.

Letters of Support

In exceptional circumstances EPSRC will accept letters of support which do not meet the above requirements for Statements of Support. These will be cases where an organisation can not be listed as a project partner, for example when the host institution wants to detail a proposed contribution to the cost of the equipment.
However, unless there are exceptional reasons why an organisation can not meet the requirements to be a project partner, any supporting documentation should meet the above requirements for statements of support.

Equipment quotes

This information is for all equipment costing more than £10,000 (including VAT).
Equipment costs are now only mandatory for equipment costing the OJEU threshold or more. For equipment costing over £25,000 and below the OJEU threshold, it is optional to provide up to three equipment quotes.
If you are applying for equipment costing the OJEU threshold or more, you need to use EPSRC's Strategic Equipment Process.
For all items of this value, three equipment quotations must be uploaded. Equipment quotations are added within the equipment item screen, not within the attachments section. Having added the details for your item press “Save” which will then provide a link to add the attachments. Where you believe that there are less than three potential suppliers for an item you should explain this in the Justification of Resources attachment.

Technical Assessments for Facility Use

If you are planning to use a major facility as part of the proposed research, such as those funded centrally by EPSRC or a European facility, you'll  be asked to provide a technical assessment from the service provider. You should contact the facility before applying to EPSRC to check if your proposed research is feasible and obtain a technical assessment if necessary. If a technical assessment is not necessary, then you will need to upload a blank document.

Host Organisation Statements (for First Grants Only)

If you're applying through the First Grant scheme you should attach a statement from your host university, typically from your head of department. The statement should describe the commitment the university is making to the development of your research career, and confirm your appointment details and period of probation if relevant. There's no page limit. For more information see host organisation statement for first grants.

Choosing reviewers

We will approach at least one of the reviewers that you nominate. Please suggest people who are experts in the research field and/or able to judge the value of the research to people who might use its results.
It's important that we avoid any conflicts between personal interests and EPSRC's interests. You should not suggest reviewers that you have had a close working relationship with in the past (for example, your PhD supervisor), current or proposed project partners, anyone from your own organisation, or anyone with financial or personal connections with the organisations involved in the proposal. Please avoid suggesting more than one reviewer from the same organisation.

Contact us

Our portfolio managers are happy to discuss proposals before submission. We particularly encourage discussion of proposals with a complex management structure, those involving large consortia, or those consisting of more than one research theme.
Search EPSRC staff contacts

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Build a CMS in an Afternoon with PHP and MySQL

Build a CMS in an Afternoon with PHP and MySQL


Where are you living now?

Where are you living now?

Thursday 22 November 2012

搞好“三农”服务 解决农村金融难题

农村金融服务是世界性难题,尤其是在我们这样一个发展中大国,人多、地少、农地经营规模狭小、发展不平衡,搞好“三农”金融服务,更为艰巨,也更有挑战性。党的十六大以来,农业银行始终致力于加强和改善“三农”金融服务,特别是近五年来,农业银行按照党中央要求,不断摸索,初步走出了一条面向“三农”和商业运作有机结合的新路子。截至2012年9月,农行涉农贷款余额1. 85万亿,比年初增加1900余亿,增速11.42%,高于农业银行全行贷款增速1. 32个百分点,比2007年增长了123%。