Thursday 22 November 2012

Water UK, when China can have such an organisation?

Water UK represents all major UK water and wastewater service suppliers at national and European level. We provide a positive framework for the water industry to engage with government, regulators, stakeholder organisations and the public. 
Water UK is funded directly by its members. We develop policy and agree action through the Water UK Council, on which every member has a seat. 

一个有用的信息网站 三废处理技术网:

Septic tanks can be used in domestic situations to provide effective sewage treatment. The Balmoral CAP (illustrated) is a biological aeration type treatment plant designed to produce a moderate quality of final effluent in addition to overcoming several of the common problems associated with smaller domestic sewage treatment units.

septic  adj caused by or causing infection with harmful bacteria 由病菌引起或感染的; 脓毒性的: a septic wound 染毒创伤 * A dirty cut may become septic, ie affected by bacteria. 伤口不洁可受感染. 

septic `tank tank into which sewage flows and where it remains until the action of bacteria makes it liquid enough to drain away 化粪池.

(名) 通风, 通气; 吹风; 充气; 曝气
effluent [U, C] (discharge of) liquid waste matter, sewage, etc, eg from a factory into a river 废液﹑ 污水等(的排放)(如从工厂排到河流): The effluent from the factory makes the river unsafe for swimming. 工厂放出的废水把这条河弄得不能游泳了. 
chamber 室, 枪膛, 房间
crude / kru:d; krud/ adj (-r, -st
[usu attrib 通常作定语] in the natural state; unrefined 天然的; 未提炼的: crude oil, sugar, ore, etc 原油﹑ 粗糖﹑ 原矿. 
(a) not well finished; not completely worked out; rough 粗陋的; 未完成的; 粗糙的: a crude sketch, method, approximation 粗略的草图﹑ 方法﹑ 估计 * His paintings are rather crude, ie not skilfully done. 他画的画还不够成熟. * I made my own crude garden furniture. 我给我那园子做了一套简陋的家具. (b) not showing taste or refinement; coarse 粗俗的; 粗鲁的: crude manners 粗鲁的举止 * He made some crude (ie sexually offensive) jokes. 他说了一些粗俗的(淫秽的)笑话.
> crudely adv: crudely assembled 粗略地汇集起来的 * express oneself crudely 粗略地说说自己的看法.

crudity / 5kru:dItI; `krudEtI/ n [U] 
1 state or quality of being crude (2a) 粗陋; 粗糙; 欠成熟: the crudity of his drawing 他画的画不够成熟. 
2 crude(2b) behaviour, remarks, etc 粗俗或粗鲁的行为﹑ 词语等: I'd never met such crudity before. 我从未见过这样粗鲁的行径. 

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